Our Sole Trader guide covers the basics including:
- What is a ‘Sole Trader Business’ and the benefits of running your business this way
- Registering with HMRC and Completing and Filing Tax Returns
- How Tax is Calculated including payments on account
- Should I Register for VAT, PAYE or CIS
- Keeping Good Business Records and should you set up a separate business bank account
- The main allowable expenses (and some of the ones you can’t – boo-hiss)
- And a handy checklist of important tasks
EP Tax are experts at helping small sole trader businesses – we know all the tax rules on what you can and can’t claim and make it our mission to help our clients pay as little tax as possible – whilst also staying within the rules.
Most of our clients run small ‘one-man band’ businesses. We deal with all types of business from hairdressers to taxi drivers to childminders – no business is too small. We also deal with many buy-to-let property landlords.
HMRC have different rules on what you can claim depending on what industry you are in. We work hard to make sure you claim everything you are entitled to and go through several checklists before finalising your sole trader income report and tax return.
Our self-assessment service includes checking for marriage allowance transfers, high-income child benefits, pension tax relief, gift aid and student loans.
And to make being your own boss even more attractive, we’ve even produced a ‘Running a Sole Trader Business Guide’ which you can download FOR FREE here.

Advising on how to keep receipts and invoices.
Claiming all capital allowances.
Producing an annual income schedule and tax return.
Ensuring all allowable expenditure is claimed in line with your industry.
Producing a summary of income and expenditure items.
Calculating tax and NI payable and dealing with any refunds you can claim.
Sole Trader/Partnership Income Schedule
Super Micro = £11 +VAT / monthly
Micro = £16 +VAT / monthly
Small = £21 +VAT / monthly
Self Assessment Tax Return
From £7.50 + VAT / monthly
Sole Trader/Partnership Full Accounts
Super Micro = £18 +VAT / monthly
Micro = £23 +VAT / monthly
Small = £28 +VAT / montlhy
Property Income Schedule
£9 +VAT per property / monthly
Want to know more about EP Tax, our prices (yes we are affordable, but that doesn’t mean you get a sub-standard service) and how we can help, please do get in touch with one of our friendly team – you can either call us on 01264 848 452, email at or request meeting (via phone, teams or face to face)
Shhh… don’t tell everyone but we also offer a free 1 hour online or face-to-face consultation with anyone interested in our services.
So… if you have the drive, the enthusiasm and the can-do attitude to work for yourself, then what’s stopping you? We have all the resources, patience and motivation to help a new business get off to a flying start and will be on hand to help with any question you have.
And, if you’re already working for yourself, but you’re either fed up with doing your own tax returns or you’re not happy with your current accountant, then please do get in touch.